Мама невесты Прохора Шаляпина запрещает ей выходить замуж Valentina wants to protect his daughter. Recently Prokhor Chaliapin made a proposal of marriage to the Duchess Tatiana. However, parents did not accept the choice of his daughter and dissuade her from the rash step.
Мама невесты Прохора Шаляпина запрещает ей выходить замуж

In late November, a graduate of the sixth season of “American idol” Prokhor Chaliapin told that he had a girlfriend Tatiana Guzeva. As it turned out, recently, the musician made an offer hands and hearts beloved. However, the girl’s mother Valentina is against this marriage. She does not allow her daughter to connect the life with a representative of show business. Embarrass her numerous novels artist – she believes that eventually he will leave Tatiana. Prokhor Chaliapin was introduced to a new passion with former lovers

Prokhorov came with the bride in the Studio of the program “Male/Female” to be helped to reconcile with the mother of the chosen one. When the hosts of the show asked her to show her engagement ring Guzeva admitted that he was not to wear so as not to anger the mother.

“When Prokhorov made an offer, I replied that I have to tell my parents. They are not familiar. When I said that we’re serious, mother said that this marriage cannot be”, – said Tatiana.
Мама невесты Прохора Шаляпина запрещает ей выходить замуж

Lead asked, did the parents Guzeevoy whom she meets. The girl assured the parents that all is not serious, because it spared the nerves of mothers. As it turned out, Valentina is trying to save her daughter from disappointment.

“If he breaks hearts, he will break her. There is no guarantee that he will live and never leave her, and she will remain with psychological trauma,” says the woman. Moreover, she wants to see as the wife of heir serious, wealthy man, but because she will do everything to destroy the plans of the lovers.

Later in a discussion of the relationships of the couples joined the mother Prochorus Helena. Despite the fact that she sympathizes with Tatiana, I would like as a daughter-in-law for 34-year-old son of the younger girls. She justifies this by the fact that she needs healthy offspring. She did not like the attitude of the family Guzeevoy to her adorable son.

Мама невесты Прохора Шаляпина запрещает ей выходить замуж

At the end of the transmission Prokhor and Valentina friendly embraced. However, the parents did not give her blessing for the beloved. Mom Tatiana remained unconvinced. It seems that Chaliapin will soon find another passion.

“You have calculated two or three years.” concluded the mother.