Михаэль Шумахер попросил о спокойствии

A year ago the headlines were full of news about the health of legendary racing driver Michael Schumacher, who in December 2013 received a serious head injury while skiing in the Alps, but the past few months about him almost nothing is known. As it turned out, the athlete is undergoing rehabilitation, he asked to leave him alone.

Manager Michael Sabina Who explained why the public does not tell us about changes in the health of Schumacher.
“He called me up and said he wanted to disappear next year, asked nothing of him not to tell anyone. I think he always wanted this, because of such attention easily tired. I fulfilled his wish and continued to perform – do not allow any information to leak out to the media,” — said Sabina.
Recall that after the injury the rider has long been in a coma, in which doctors admitted him to save his life. Came out of a coma Schumacher only in the summer of 2014. Now Michael is in his home in Switzerland. He’s still confined to a wheelchair and is undergoing rehabilitation, which will last a long time. The former athlete’s boss Luca di Montezemolo once said that things his ex-ward isn’t going well and we can only hope for the best.

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