СМИ: Канье Уэст не является биологическим отцом Норт

No day without a scandal with this family…

Kanye West may soon be required to do a DNA test on the determination of the real father of North West.

As told journalists the Star magazine confidential informant, Kanye actually is not the biological father of North.

As we know, for a long time Kim Kardashian could not get pregnant. What manipulation did not produce a star of the reality show, pregnancy does not occur. The doctors then said that if Kim still manage to get pregnant, it would be a real miracle, and soon it actually happened.

As it turns out the Kardashian pregnancy came not because of her great wish, and thanks to frozen embryos that remained after the former boyfriend of the controversial diva.

“Kim was able to implant the frozen embryo itself. She didn’t want to wait until Kanye ripe for fatherhood,” reads the article.

In the network there was information that Kim was pregnant when they traveled West to Italy, but really even then it has made the implantation of the embryo, from another man.


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