Максим Виторган стал «главным футбольным болельщиком»
Famous brand “Baltika № 7” has conceived a very interesting project – “7 the parties to the UEFA EURO 2016”, and to put it into practice will be actor and cheerleader Maxim Vitorgan, football commentator Vladimir stognienko and wonderful photographer mark Podrabinek.

Максим Виторган стал «главным футбольным болельщиком»

France has started the main football event of the year, and the brand “Baltika 7”, which is an official sponsor of UEFA EURO 2016 in Russia, invites all who watch and love football, discover the 7 different sides Euro.

Now all who cannot personally attend the championship, will be able to take in his bright, entertaining, colorful, fun and delicious atmosphere, thanks to Vladimir Stognienko, Maxim Vitorgan and Mark Podrabinek, who will lead its coverage in a special section on the portal Championat.com.

Максим Виторган стал «главным футбольным болельщиком»

Voice for this project was randomly selected commentator Vladimir stognienko, without which it is difficult to imagine a major football event. Vladimir has promised that it will be able to tell what a football commentator just not enough time during the broadcast.

The eyes of the project was a broadcaster, journalist and photographer mark Podrabinek who is well versed in how and at what angle to make an impressive picture.

But a major supporter of the project was the actor Maksim Vitorgan, who will certainly help you to feel what it’s like to be in the epicenter of events on the Euro in France!
I’ll try to infect you with energy Euros and tell us something special about what you do not tell anywhere, – has promised Maksim.

Well, besides the opportunity to see unique content, visitors to the portal get a chance to win cash prizes and certificates for purchases in the online store by guessing the score of matches in the Championship Europeand after guessing the winning team and final score.

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