Максим Фадеев раскрыл подробности жизни Юлии Савичевой за рубежом The producer commented about the pregnancy of the stars. Journalists made Maxim Fadeev to tell you why fans haven’t seen Yulia Savicheva on stage. According to the composer, the singer, everything is going well.

      Producer of Julia Savicheva, Maksim Fadeev tried to dispel the rumors that have emerged about the personal life of the performer. Before it became known that the grandmother of the singer hinted at the new addition to the family. Over a long period of time Savicheva lives with her husband in Portugal. According to the ex-participant of “Factory of stars”, it’s all right. Fadeyev confirmed that the singer just went on vacation, as worked for many years without rest.

      Media to discuss the news of the birth of Yulia Savicheva

      “If Julia actually gave birth, we’d love said. Why do we have to hide it, what’s the point? Glad to all be together and all”, – explained Maxim.

      Despite the fact that Savicheva lives in another country, it supports the communication with the producer, congratulated him on his successes both in creativity and in the restaurant business. The composer says the singer almost his daughter because he began to work with her when Savicheva was a teenager.

      “Julia is 12 years plow without rest – she had two weeks of vacation per year. She just came in and said he wanted to relax, be with family and to write a new album. I quietly let her go, they work and enjoy swimming in the ocean, enjoy life,” – said Fadeev.

      According to the composer, the artist will be able to return to the stage, because she has a big audience of listeners. Fadeev noted that in Russia it will have to wait and adore. “She’s writing the album, she has a very talented husband is a musician. I imagine they are sitting in the house writing, it’s creativity. In youth we with my wife too close, thought, wrote, and nobody needs this”, – explained Maxim in dealing with life.ru.

      Savicheva trying to make a blog that occasionally talks to fans about how her life on the ocean. “I have all the time in motion, travel through the most picturesque places. Even a little tanned… More most of the material for a new album almost recorded. Almost, because all the time all undone. You know how I like everything, and the next day, all is not so. Vacation, it is certainly good, but Moscow is waiting for me. And not only in Moscow. Lost, worried,” wrote Julia, laying out shots from Sunny Portugal.