Маша Ивакова бросает «работу мечты»

To go as the leading travel show “heads and tails” managed to many – Joan and Alan by Badaeva, Andrew Bednyakov and Nastya Short, Regina Todorenko and stake Serge. But in the case of a parallel project “heads and tails. Shopping” the situation is somewhat different. This project can boast of constancy. Since its non-replaceable leading was Maria Ivanova, now leave it.

This woman was personally told on his page on Instagram, noting that next week will be the last live with her participation: “Three years non-stop. New city, flights, people, time zones, new food, again Luggage, flight delays, laughter and tears, miles listened to music… and only we understand why a dream job is not a dream job, but it is the most favorite job in the world”.

On casting the role of the leading “heads and tails. Shopping” yet it was not announced.

We will remind, the program “heads and Tails. Shopping!” Aired in 2013.