Мария Ситтель впервые прокомментировала свою беременность
Fall TV presenter will become a mother for the fifth time.

Мария Ситтель впервые прокомментировала свою беременность

“The more children, the more the Lord gives you strength. With one much more complicated, with four easier. This is a paradox”

Photo: Philip Potters.

Maria Sittel confirmed 7days.ru that preparing to become a mother
for the fifth time. However, the sex of the child presenter has not yet reported. “Don’t know who will, — said Maria. We never thought of. According to tradition — who
God will provide!”

Recall that Maria Sittel is on the fourth month
pregnancy. The eldest daughter of TV presenter from his first marriage Dasha 21 years. His second wife —
businessman Alexander Tereshchenko — Maria
gave birth to three sons: John, Savva and Nicholas. Despite the many cares of a large family Masha has time not only to pay attention to all four children, but continues a successful career. Moreover, on the channel
“Russia” has always treated with understanding to the next “interesting position” Sittel.

Maria Sittel with daughter Dasha and sons Nicky, Ivan and Sava

Photo: Philip Goncharov

“Was happy when I found out that I’m getting ready to have a second
child Vanya, — told in interview to magazine “7 days” Maria. — When I
said about the third pregnancy surprised. Then I just got used.
(Laughs.) But everyone knew that when the circumstances are right I am very soon
back to work and sit long at home will not. I went out at a time
when I realized that internally ready and the brain working in the right mode”.

By the way, a year after the birth of the youngest son of Nicholas and Mary did not expect that the next pregnancy to happen so soon: “Not
wait! (Laughs.) When my boys get a little older, and I have
a little more free time, I’m somewhere in the bath will do a workshop and
I’ll be there sewing, tinkering, sawing, planing…”

Full interview with Maria Sittel the magazine “7 Days” read here

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