Мария Шарапова два года не сможет завоевывать побед The famous tennis player was suspended from competition. The period of the ban started in January. From this moment on Maria Sharapova for two years will only watch sports successes of their colleagues.

      Мария Шарапова два года не сможет завоевывать побед

      Maria Sharapova will have to make a pause in his career. Russian tennis player disqualified for two years for violating anti-doping rules. This information appeared on the official website of the International tennis Federation.

      “Independent ITF Tribunal found that Sharapova has committed an anti-doping rule violation, she was disqualified for two years from January 26, 2016”, – stated in the message.

      It turns out that Maria will be able to return to normal sports schedule only in January 2018, and before that she will have only to keep in shape.

      “StarHit” to find out who may be Maria Sharapova after a career

      In addition, the results of the last competition, after which the body Sharapova was found a prohibited drug Meldonium, too, were revised. On the basis of judicial Tribunal, the player must return earned in tournament prize money, also it will be removed ratings points. However, Maria has 21 days to appeal the decision.

      Meanwhile, it seems that on the background of the troubles in career Sharapova is normal personal life. Journalists attribute the star sports a new novel. Perhaps, Maria once again found love in the face of a famous actor and model Andreas Velencoso. Spanish male model and tennis player spent time together in Paris.

      The photographs taken by the paparazzi, perfectly clear that the couple does not hide his tender feelings to each other. The stars hold hands and hug. Moreover, there is an opinion that France flew Sharapova because beloved, which was held in Paris Photocall. By the way, soon the young men together went to Spain. Besides, the couple was spotted at a music festival, which took place in California.

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