Марии Менунос диагностирвали опухоль мозга

American actress, TV presenter and model Maria Menounos stunned: she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Strange was the fact that just learning about your diagnosis, the celebrity began.. to laugh.
“I didn’t cry. I actually laughed,” — said the actress to the publication People, “It’s so surreal and crazy and incredible that could not be true. My mom has a brain tumor and now I also have”.

Mother Mary is now treating the fourth stage of the disease. Only when her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness, and even on stage, which greatly reduces the chances of a full recovery, Menounos thinking about their health. She noticed that the headaches became more frequent, and the speech became slurred. It became difficult even to read the text on the teleprompter. Then Mary turned to the experts, and during the MRI in the head of a celebrity found a meningioma the size of a tennis ball… It was impossible to hesitate, and she was scheduled for an operation to remove a tumor on his 39th birthday on June 8th. The operation was conducted by the attending physician of her mother, Dr. Keith black.

After removal of the tumor, which was benign, Mary was sent home.
“The doctor told me that there are 6-7% that the disease will come back, but I’m ready for any opportunity to prolong your life. My face is still sensitive, but I know I’m getting stronger every day and will soon return to normal life” — admitted the actress. She is now at home surrounded by family and her fiancé Kevin, Undergaro. In connection with the disease, Maria resigned from the channel “E!”, which worked for the last three years. Colleagues were sympathetic to her decision and expressed her support.