Макарские уже вторую неделю отмечают день родения дочери
A four-year Masha continues to receive gifts.

Макарские уже вторую неделю отмечают день родения дочери

Victoria Makarska celebrates his daughter’s birthday the second week

Photo: Instagram

Victoria and Anton Makarsky for a week to celebrate the birthday of his
the youngest daughter, Masha, which is September 9 was four years old. The occasion was celebrated in the close family circle, but it
did not stop friends and fans of the pair to literally shower the baby with gifts.

Today Victoria shared the huge chocolate eggs. “Gifts don’t end surprises
continue — smiling happy mother. And, no, not stick together”.

Макарские уже вторую неделю отмечают день родения дочери

Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

The birthday of Victoria shared a photo
little machine and wrote: “happy Birthday, sweetheart! When I first took
you, I with all my being realized that there is no death! Mashunya, nothing
be afraid, even if I die I’ll always be around!” And father Anton so touching
anyone you didn’t trust, and everyone was trying to do, by the way, quite successfully, that
only on the 39th day, I timidly asked the beloved to teach me how
to change your diapers…”