Мадонна отменила концерт за час до начала: в чем причина?

Мадонна отменила концерт за час до начала: в чем причина?

On the days of the legendary American singer Madonna was forced to cancel his concert an hour before. It happened in Lisbon, when all the fans began to gather at the venue. What is the reason for the cancellation of the show? The singer personally told the public about his health problems.

On the day of the concert cancellation on mobile phones of people who bought tickets, came reports that the Madonna concert unfortunately cancelled. “We regret to inform you that tonight, Madonna will not be able to perform at scheduled shows” — said fans of the singer.

This concert was the eighth, which revoked the celebrity as part of a tour to support her new solo album. If in past times it did not comment on the events, now admitted that they cannot serve because of poor health. One of the last concerts, the Madonna stopped the show and confessed to the audience that feels a strong pain in the knee, and also that at the moment she’s in some places torn ligament. Therefore, not all her movements look perfect, and to move it is very painful. Every day she drinks pain medicine, and sometimes even have to get into an ice bath to ease his pain as quickly as possible.

Madonna wrote a short post on the social network instagram. Apologized for the canceled gig and admitted that she simply must listen to your body.

The legendary singer helps cope with the pain her lover and dancer of show-ballet Almalik Williams. Younger guy his lady for 35 years, but as a professional dancer he knows what pain feels Madonna. The guy in my life received a lot of injuries, so he knows how to handle it.

About the plausibility of the words Madonna says the video, which she posted recently on his official page in Instagram. It shows as a singer warming up before the concert, but does not hold and doubles over from the intense pain.

Most fans were sympathetic to the cancellation of the concert. What is not said about the fans of the singer from Miami, he is determined to win a court case against the star. Man sued after the cancellation of the concert, and requires him to pay financial compensation. The plaintiff claims to have spent a large sum of money, in the amount of $ 1025, to to see his idol, but since the concert was postponed and started one hour later, he had to suffer large losses. The man handed over the plane tickets and stayed in Miami for another day.

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