Лолита шокировала публику неуместным макияжем
Lolita, the singer attended the concert in the Kremlin in a very strange manner.

Лолита шокировала публику неуместным макияжем

Despite his outrageous, make-up Lolita almost always preferred a calm tone and even her stage make-up can be called a classic.

Лолита шокировала публику неуместным макияжем

Лолита шокировала публику неуместным макияжем

However, at the concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the dance group “Todes”, the singer appeared in absolutely unimaginable eye makeup. False eyelashes bright blue color is sharply beaten out from the General scale of the image, as velvet Lolita dress was a dark green color.

Лолита шокировала публику неуместным макияжем

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