Губа не треснет? Дмитрий Тарасов увез возлюбленную на дорогой курорт
The player has organized the unforgettable Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko

Photo: @kostenko.94/Instagram

Dmitry Tarasov
flew with my girlfriend in Dubai. This is the first
joint journey in love. The footballer shares beautiful photos from vacation, showing everyone that the relationship with Nastya
they have peace and love. Many users have noted that the model and the footballer
look good together. “Love in the eyes, glow, happiness to you”, “Pleasant and
feminine girl Nastya! Real and not simulated!”, — I think fans of the athlete.

Recall, the bride of Dmitry Tarasov gave all to understand that he is building serious plans
future ex-husband of Olga Buzova. The model recently openly stated that
can’t wait when she will develop a player’s full family.
Striking brunette is already planning to bless his chosen children.

Thus, in the beginning of the relationship married then Dmitry and Anastasia, her parents, according to some information, there were many concerns about
choice daughter. The girl admitted that parents were troubled because of her novel
with a famous football player, and sometimes even acted against. But after a personal
fun Tarasov, which was held in celebration of his birthday,
they changed their attitude. Now the future family peace.

But life Kostenko, despite luxury gifts, really
the case bears little resemblance to the beautiful fairy tale. The fact is that, taking the place of Buzova, she
earned a vast army of detractors. Daily Anastasia
you have to read hundreds of comments from haters. In my defense, the model even posted a quote from the novel
“The idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky: “Walk past us and forgive us our happiness!”