Леонид Парфенов прокомментировал свою эмиграцию в Израиль

Yesterday in some domestic media published the information that the TV presenter Leonid Parfyonov has sold his estate in Russia, emigrated to Israel, where already managed to purchase a new home.

Sources Israeli channel ILand, which was among the first who reported about moving Parfenova, noted that the right to emigrate Leonid received thanks to my wife Elena Chekalova.

Find out what journalists decided directly from Parfenova, and were not very surprised when I learned that actually this news was “duck”.

“No, it’s not. But I don’t want to discuss”, — quotes the words of TV presenter Agency Ura.Ru.

It remains unclear, why on earth would someone even began to talk about the move of a journalist. But that’s a whole other story…

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