Ведущая Первого канала Диана Ходаковская попадет на «Адскую Кухню» The girl will take part in the famous show with Gordon Ramsay. Hodakovskaya filed an application to participate in the famous American cooking show and is looking forward to the answer from the producers.

      Ведущая Первого канала Диана Ходаковская попадет на «Адскую Кухню»

      Diana Hodakovskaya is constantly improving his skills in cooking. Not so long ago she received a diploma professional chef – pastry chef of the third category. Several times she became the winner of the show “dinner Party” on channel “RenTV”, and since the middle of last year, shares his delicious secrets with the audience of “Good morning” on the First channel. And here is a new goal. Hodakovskaya filed an application to participate in the famous American cooking show “Hell’s Kitchen” with Gordon Ramsay.

      “While participating in “dinner Party” and in the preparation of the author’s culinary rubric on the First channel I have reviewed a huge number of culinary programs from around the world. And the absolute benchmark for me is the show “Hell’s kitchen” – shares with “Stricom” Diana Hodakovskaya. – Tough, uncompromising, and most interesting programme. Of course, this show makes it a leading – great Gordon Ramsay. A true professional and an absolute authority in the culinary world, a very charismatic man.”

      The confessions of Diana, anyone who are passionate about cooking, wants to be in the number of members of the acclaimed show, and she is no exception. Quite a long time Hodakovskaya only watched the cooks from the side, but now decided to plunge into this incredible atmosphere itself.

      “Many times I imagined myself in the place of a member of this program, how would I behave in this or that situation, what would have surprised the judges, admits TV presenter. And here not long ago, I filled out the application form for participation in the show, put examples of your work, made a video presentation in English. To my surprise, the producers responded to me pretty quickly. It turned out that now they are working on a new season of Hell’s Kitchen, in which we want to assemble an international team from different countries. They did not hide that from Russia there are a few candidates, but I have the most likely chances to take a place in the team “Hell’s kitchen” and to represent our country at a high culinary level. There are still a few video auditions and interviews, I hope that I will endure these trials. Wish me luck”.

      We will remind that not so long ago, in the life of Diana, there was another joyful event – her boyfriend did the presenter offer hands and hearts. Favorite male TV presenter will be very worry about it and monitor everything that is happening.

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