Леди Гага заметно похудела после расставания с Тэйлором Кинни

Much is unknown, for better or worse, broke off the engagement with her fiance Taylor Kinney singer Lady Gaga, but the fact that it has a positive impact on her appearance – fact. A few days ago vociferous celebrity caught on one of the streets of Los Angeles, she headed to the recording Studio.

However, no wild hairstyles and extravagant outfit it was almost not to know. Postroynevshaya Lady Gaga was dressed in shorts and top, and was holding in his hands a jacket and a guitar. Ring finger celebrity was without the usual rings.
Recall that Taylor Kinney Lady Gaga started Dating in 2011. The pair briefly parted and then came together again. On Valentine’s Day last year Taylor gave the woman the ring and asked her to marry me. Ring Gaga took, but the marriage failed – in the past month, they broke up again. We sincerely hope that the beautiful wedding in Italy, dreamed about a couple, it will be held.

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