Кайли Миноуг выиграла суд над Кайли Дженнер

Kylie Minogue denies Kylie Jenner to use her name in the release of the cosmetic line.

Australian singer Kylie Minogue (Kylie Minogue), which has recently gone through a nasty breakup with a younger boyfriend, filed a lawsuit to ban the production of cosmetic products sister Kim Kardashian Kylie Jenner (Kylie Jenner) under the brand name of Kylie. The singer sent a request to the patent and trademark office, which explained why Kylie Jenner is refusing to release cosmetics under the same name.

Кайли Миноуг выиграла суд над Кайли Дженнер

According to Minogue Jenner — “minor television personality” when she, Kylie Minogue — “an international celebrity, an activist for the fight against breast cancer and humanitarian relief, known to the world under the name of Kylie.” The Agency ruled in favor of Minogue, but Jenner intends to appeal the court decision.