Курбан Омаров нашел новый способ заработать денег
Husband Ksenia Borodina Kurban Omarov was finally abandoned business and is in creative search.

Курбан Омаров нашел новый способ заработать денег

After failed projects “Zvezdara” “Father” and “Zималогия” he decided to try his hand in another of the now fashionable direction. It turns out that he is haunted by the glory of the Yuri Dude, but something to build and produce, as his father doesn’t want to.

Now Eid has decided to put dibs in his Internet show where he and a partner promised to talk about male issues.

Курбан Омаров нашел новый способ заработать денег

Lobster has already published the pilot movie, where they run in the city and how the charge hitting on girls with different issues and talk with famous men about adultery.

On the one hand, the guy he’s not stupid, but yet none of this had not burnt out.

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