Курбан Омаров вызвал Отара Кушанашвили на мужской разговор Businessman outraged by the remarks of a journalist. Not so long ago, Otar Kushanashvili has criticized the behavior of Ksenia Borodina, spoke about made a lot of noise the history of the young resident of Ulyanovsk Diana Shurygina.

      Курбан Омаров вызвал Отара Кушанашвили на мужской разговор

      The whole country continues to discuss the issues of the show “Let them talk”, dedicated to the young resident of Ulyanovsk Diana Shurygina the victim of rape. On one of them showed an excerpt from a live broadcast TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, who criticized the behavior of the teenager. “I think she’s crazy. The girl who thus PR to the whole country – it’s disgusting and I’m ashamed of her parents,” said the young woman.

      In turn journalist and blogger Otar Kushanashvili, who became one of the experts TV show, let myself speak negatively about the leading.

      “Ksenia Borodina in the role of moral authority is like a man named Kokorin, who called football player. If Ksenia Borodina, donning his Prosecutor’s robe, someone is judging, it’s full of kick,” said the man.

      Replica cusanelli caused a scandal in social networks. Husband Ksenia Borodina Kurban Omarov not going to tolerate the sharp attacks against his beloved wife. He posted an appeal to Otaru, which caused him to have a Frank conversation.

      “You know what I want to talk with you, and avoiding it. If you’re a man, at least call. You have my number. PS I respect adults if they respect themselves,” – said the businessman.

      Note also that previously Ksenia Borodina more fully explained his position in relation to the scandal, which has embroiled Diana Shurygina. “I’m not prudish, I’ve never been, but believe they have the right to speak, especially if they asked me about it… I don’t want to judge anybody, but I really do not understand how we came to that story about the rape became a way of good PR… the Guy got eight years of strict regime, and, perhaps, sat just for sex, who’s going to prove it. God forbid anyone to get into such a situation. Maybe all of justice, but I will affect it odd when this story exaggerate, but the man was somebody’s idol,” – said Ksenia.

      In addition, Borodin gave an assessment of criticisms Otar cusanelli. The star noted that it does not intend to take his remarks seriously.

      “This girl to become a mother, but we all make mistakes… And about the comments on the program about me – well, laugh. Who are the judges? If you drink less, do not let a large number of people around you, if not your mouth, maybe this opinion would be credible for me” – with such words has addressed leading to a well-known journalist.