Ксения Стриж прокомментировала новость об усыновлении подростка
On the days the Network was made public the information that the radio host Ksenia Strizh adopted a child.

Ксения Стриж прокомментировала новость об усыновлении подростка

And she took from the orphanage 15-year-old Nikita. Recently, swift decided to comment on this information, saying that it is wrong, although fans of her vengeance wishes.

Ксения Стриж прокомментировала новость об усыновлении подростка

“I was never adopted Nikita. There is a concept of “guest mode”. Explain, about a year ago I met this wonderful boy. The guy loved his openness and individuality. I felt his hard fate, he has no parents, so I wanted to help. We agreed that if he wants to come to the capital, let bravely writes about a meeting! He kept his word. Nikita was visiting me in winter, and now I helped him to enroll in a professional circus school. He finishes 9th grade, wants to become a student of the faculty of music. Unfortunately, this time luck was not on his side. On the third test he failed. But not upset,” said Xenia the StarHit.

Currently Nikita is located in Chelyabinsk, where he lives, and constantly maintains radio contact with him.

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