Ксения Собчак поведала правду о своем решении не крестить сына
A year and a half ago, a famous TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak first became a mother, giving wife Maxim Vitorgan son of Plato.

Ксения Собчак поведала правду о своем решении не крестить сына

Star parents, despite a tight schedule, try to find for the son of the free time and swear by him. Recently she has decided to openly tell us why she refused the baptism of the son.

Ксения Собчак поведала правду о своем решении не крестить сына

“We do not even have to impose any religious worldview to our child, because I sincerely believe that he will grow, he has to read himself to read and he can understand that he is close,” said Sobchak.

It should be noted that motherhood has greatly changed Xenia, before she loved other people’s children, but with the advent of her own child, her attitude towards them has changed.

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