Кристен Белл рассказывает о произошедшей драке между ней и ее мужем Дэксом Шепардом


“We both lost control and entered the fray, and I really don’t remember what happened next!”, says Kristen bell about a dispute with her husband DAX Shepard.
So Kristen bell talks about what happened to the fight between her and her husband, DAX Shepard.
On Tuesday, 39-year-old actress spoke with actor Justin long on the show “Life is short”, to discuss how she and 45-year-old shepherd fought and how they made up after the recent dispute.
“Something happened with Dex, and I realized that we were never asked about our relationship,” said bell presenter and actor Justin long. “So if we are going to talk about it, let’s make sure we show the good, the bad and the ugly and how we handle it. Let’s not turn each other in a sweet pill and we talked about what we fight, then we go to reconciliation, sometimes we do not much like each other.”

The star of the film “the Cold heart-2” then launched into a discussion of the arguments relating to her relationship with the shepherd, saying: “we Have quite recently there was a precedent-setting situation, which resulted in a fight. The incredible moment.
“We had a relationship about which we can say only one thing, that I needed help,” she continued, adding: “For those of you who are listening I say this from my point of view. For someone who can’t defend themselves.”
Bell explained the situation so that, leaving the house for work, she left Shepard a note with a reminder about a few household chores that needed to be done.
“I left a note and said, “Hey, dad! Couldn’t take two towels in the dryer and fold them, and then one more thing. I thought, “That’s about 10 minutes of work”. At this point, the house and the work became very important to me and a great moment. To follow up on things mom’s shoes after a walk and all that.
Bell continued: “So I left the note and came home on Sunday, everything was fine. On Monday evening we were lying in bed — he said, “When you leave the record, Yes, I feel really controlled,” and he begins to understand what he thinks about it.”
Instead of immediately responding with anger, bell said that it took her a second to respond calmly, telling Shepard, “I said, “Well, I heard you. It will never happen again. If I need to ask for something to do around the house you like I can do it, so you can hear it?”
But then, despite their initial efforts, emotions, bell and Shepard have defeated them.
“And anyway, then we both lost control of himself, was a scandal, a lot of harsh words were thrown, and, in the end, there was a fight,” said bell. “I grabbed a pillow and went down the corridor. I slept in the front room and cried. We don’t talk for three days.
The couple have two daughters, Lincoln, 6 years old, Delta, 5 years.
Bella found a way to make peace with her husband, when she led the daughters in a cafe for the dogs and met a rescue dog named Frank. When she spoke to Shepard in the video to submit it to Frank.
“I never got an apology, but I got a new dog!” said bell, explaining how she was surprised because Shepard was allergic to dogs, and it takes only hypoallergenic animals. “It’s a lot better than an apology. So I bring the dog home, it’s great.”

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