Джастин Теру объяснил почему в ужасе от развода Джоли и Питта
Spouse Jennifer aniston is his wife commented on the drama in the life of the star couple.

Jennifer aniston and Justin Theroux

Photo: Legion-media

A week has passed since that moment as the world was shocked with the news about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and brad pitt, and commentary about the incident from Jennifer aniston, who was waiting for the press, has not been received. But the drama in my life one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood managed to comment on the husband’s ex-wife pitt — Justin Theroux.

It turned out that the husband aniston as ironic as it may sound, strongly empathizes with the family Jolie. In an interview with Business Insider, he admitted that most in this situation, it is a pity children of the star couple. “I grew up in a single parent family. The only thing I can say is that this is terrible news for their children. People have hard times. It’s terrible…” said Theroux.

Meanwhile, some time ago, the network has spread information that allegedly gloated aniston divorce pitt and Jolie. As reporters now almost impossible to get close to the family most of Angelina, the tabloids stalking on the heels of that is Jennifer, the ex-wife of brad pitt. She, along with Marion Cotillard, unwittingly “dragged” into a discussion of the circumstances of the divorce. So, the other day the paparazzi photographed aniston and Theroux at a dinner in the restaurant, where they, being in a good mood, drank champagne. The media immediately there was speculation that the couple were celebrating the breakup of Angelina with her husband. On hearing this reacted best friend Jennifer Courteney Cox. According to People, she was asked to leave aniston alone, stressing that she absolutely has no relationship to divorce pitt and Jolie.