Джастин Бибер и Хейли Болдуин на открытии бургерной от Тимати

Джастин Бибер и Хейли Болдуин на открытии бургерной от Тимати

Last night, 13 November 2019, in Los Angeles, the opening of Burger Burger Black Star, a network of these restaurants is a well-known Russian rap artist Timati. Opening another school would attract so much attention if this celebration did not come to Justin Bieber with his wife Hayley. According to some, Timothy paid a young couple $ 2 million, so they visited his restaurant on opening day.

On the official page in Instagram Black Star Burger in the evening there was a message of thanks fans. The page also said it was the first opening of the fast food restaurant, which was personally attended by Justin Bieber.

The singer in the beginning of the evening took to the stage to personally congratulate Timothy’s opened its first restaurant in the United States. To the congratulations joined the civilian spouse rap artist Anastasia Reshetova, who was unable to attend the opening, so stayed home with her newborn son Ratmir.

Network co-owner of Black Star Burger Yuri Levitas after the closing of the restaurant gave an interview in which he said that Justin Bieber with Hailey ate, congratulated the team and left. After 2 hours in the restaurant came the guard of a young couple and ordered two large bags of burgers. The Bieber the night sent a message on the phone to Timothy, in which he thanked for the delicious food, said that all appreciated and definitely will now be a regular customer of Burger.

Timothy himself was very pleased with the discovery, he congratulated all of the fans that gathered a huge number, and asked them constantly to eat “juicy and powerful Burger.” In the network appeared a lot of pictures from the opening, in which the rap artist posing with the different celebrities of Los Angeles.

It is necessary to tell that the Black Star Burger restaurant is located in Los Angeles, the street on Fairfax Avenue, that is the only institution in the United States. Now preparing the opening of similar institutions in the United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan. Burger isn’t the only franchise Timati, it has its own network of barbershop. Also in December 2019 will be opened the first fitness center Black Star. It will be located in the center of Moscow city.

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