Юлия Самойлова поражена скандалом на «Минуте славы» The singer has spoken about what happened on the set of popular show of channel. According to her, the conflict could have been avoided. Julia Samoylova also noted that it would not withdraw from the project, as did Evgeny Smirnov.

      Recently it became known that Russia at the “Eurovision” will go to actress Julia Samoylova. Due to spinal muscular atrophy girl wheelchair. Some social media users called the choice of the performer’s desire to hush up the scandal after the recent broadcasts of the show “Minute of fame”. However, the representative of the channel Larisa Krymova such speculation was denied. “Yulia Samoylova is going to Eurovision, because she is a talented singer, performing a good song” she said during a conversation with journalists.

      In discussing the dismissal of an employee “minute of fame”

      Recently reporters contacted the participant of the international competition from Russia and took her interview. One of the questions touched upon the subject of scandal at the filming of the First channel. Recall that it involved the dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who had a leg amputated. As a result, young people left the project.

      “To me this whole situation seems ridiculous. On “Minute of glory” are dancers and circus performers, and all sorts of freaks. But if you take the case of Evgeny Smirnov, to comment on his dance was probably the person who understands dance. Although I understand that this competition is entertainment. In our country people with disabilities have started recently show on TV. And people, I think it’s just, it’s not used”, – said Samoilov.

      According to Yulia, the conflict could have been avoided. She also noted that it would not withdraw from the project if it was in a similar situation. The girl said she was repeatedly caught in a similar situation. “If I at all offended, most likely, or what could it be failed. I had a lot of cases, before the “Factor A” to this story when I said the disabled have no place on the stage,” says the artist.

      Samoilov also said that not accuses Smirnov, who decided to stop participating in a TV show. According to Julia, she understands the young man. But if harsh words were sent to the address of Samoilova, she would have tried to impress the jury. “I would show the next number so that all just went nuts and said, “wow-Wow-wow, we did not expect”, – quotes the girl “Medusa”.

      Recall that Yevgeny Smirnov has explained the reasons for leaving the show in his microblog. “My continued participation would be appreciated not objective, it’s simply impossible after what happened. And I treat this with understanding. Me actively trying to put the “hurt on the jury.” This is not so. I respect the jury and their opinion, I am sorry only that my message was interpreted incorrectly”, – said the dancer. Evgeny Smirnov has refused participation in show “Minute of fame” after the scandal with the jury