Дженнифер Лопес рассказала, почему делает выбор в пользу молодых мужчин

You think that Jared Leto has found the elixir of youth, therefore does not age? Look at the charming Jennifer Lopez. After parting with the father of her children, singer Marc Anthony, J. Lo like a new man and like Benjamin Baton every year is becoming younger and more beautiful.

Preferences in men the singer has also changed. She began to pay attention to young people with whom she has a significant age difference. Take, for example, Casper Smart – she’s 47, he’s 29. Or Drake, who is older than Smart all year.

In the following interview is in the March issue of W magazine, the cover of which Jennifer will appear together with other power women Donatella Versace, Kate moss, Jessica Chastain and Taraji Henson, star decided to share his thoughts about the choices younger: “In 20 years, the guys are very arrogant and cocky, and girls, on the contrary, wildly unsure of themselves. In adulthood, everything changes: men often start to doubt myself, and women begin to feel the harmony with oneself that makes them even more beautiful.” Based on the theory of Lopez, the ideal combination is bold and confident guy and confident in its irresistible Mature woman.

Jennifer added that she needed a lot of time to love your body and get used to its volume. Only as an adult woman, she loved and accepted herself the way she was designed.