Дженнифер Энистон стыдно за некоторые свои фильмы, снятые по молодости

Long ago, Jennifer aniston was photographed for magazine covers and here, finally, the actress presents us with their new photo shoot which took place in the pages of the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar.

47-year-old aniston in addition, representatives of the publication spoke on personal topics and talked about age, marriage and his acting failures.

Дженнифер Энистон стыдно за некоторые свои фильмы, снятые по молодости

So, we know the glory came to Jen with the filming of the sitcom “Friends” where she played the role of Rachel green. But before this series aniston did not sit around and dabbled in different projects, which, however, now is not proud: “I have long been trying to become better, — she said in an interview. – At some point I had to stop. Now sometimes ashamed because of some of their old movies.”

Work is work, but that’s what Jennifer can really be proud of is the newfound happiness, in the person of Justin Theroux.

“The feeling that we have been married for a very long time. You know, family life is completely normal, I do not feel any difference, — said aniston. Justin is one of the funniest people I have ever met in my life. We constantly make each other laugh. Laughter is one of the best ways to keep the youth”.

By the way, aniston admitted that he is now going through a special time when she is completely happy with themselves and their lives: “In my 40 I feel better than before. Not only physically, but also psychologically. You know, in 20 years you still don’t know anything about life. I 30, for example, was still trying to deal with many things. And in 40 years you finally begin to “catch up”. There are a lot of women and in 50 years look amazing. Personally, I feel a kind of inner freedom which I never had before.”

Дженнифер Энистон стыдно за некоторые свои фильмы, снятые по молодости
Дженнифер Энистон стыдно за некоторые свои фильмы, снятые по молодости
Дженнифер Энистон стыдно за некоторые свои фильмы, снятые по молодости

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