Дженнифер Энистон не хочет, чтобы муж уезжал в Австралию
Actress again quarrels with Justin Theroux.

Jennifer aniston and Justin Theroux


Jennifer aniston doesn’t want to let her husband go to Australia for six months. The fact that it is there postponed the shooting of the third season of the TV show “Leftovers” Justin Theroux plays a major role. And Jennifer can understand. Immediately after the wedding last summer, not counting the weeks honeymoon on the Bor-Bor, the husband left for new York on these shooting. Aniston, after completing his work on the film in Atlanta, arrived in this city to be with Justin, even though she hates new York. And now it turned out that soap bosses from economic considerations postponed the shooting of the third season of the show from new York to Australia!

And that means that Jen will be parting with her husband for a period of six months. Of course, aniston asks Theroux to abandon this plan and generally “engage” with TV, and a work in the series. According to her, the spouse need more to star in feature films and continue to write scripts. And he too was fond of the TV show fame. But it’s unlikely Justin will go for breach of contract, he signed his seven seasons.

It is unknown what the outcome of the next quarrel between the newlyweds. Jennifer recently nerves to the limit. 47-year-old actress is being harassed by rumors of her supposed pregnancy, she even published a kind of Manifesto with the request to leave her alone. Besides, her father, John aniston (according to a source close to the family) is seriously ill and very worried that my daughter had no children. Despite the fact that the half-brother of the actress already has two kids, the dad dreams about the grandson or granddaughter who could give him his favorite Jennifer. However, if it is indeed a long separation from her husband, the chances of getting pregnant will be even less.