Иван Ургант и Дмитрий Хрусталев на глазах у зрителей выяснили отношения
Friendship TV presenters Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalyov has been going on for many years.

Иван Ургант и Дмитрий Хрусталев на глазах у зрителей выяснили отношения

The audience watched with interest the leading tandem in the program “Evening Urgant”. But in the broadcast of the men decided to have a rap battle.

Иван Ургант и Дмитрий Хрусталев на глазах у зрителей выяснили отношения

“You want battle with me? Killed to be verbal? Well, let’s order. You are in the list sodomistsky baths, started when well-known gesture and the phrase: “Working guys”. Five evenings a week the audience can tolerate you, you’re like a repair on top on my nerves. Nedovadei, guests putting, your very long list of zahkarov so great, like Panin and Chaliapin as your parents. Over the years in the “smack” you ate greasy poles”, – said Dmitry.

Urgant was surprised tough Khrustalev and even interrupted his speech.

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