Иван Охлобыстин преодолел серьезный недуг The actor thought that he is on the verge of death. Ivan Okhlobystin announced the health of all their fans. Now he’s glad he returned to his former life and continue to do daily chores.

      Popular actor Ivan Okhlobystin became famous after the role of Dr. Bykov in the popular sitcom “Interns”. Almost a year has passed after the release of the final series telecarte. The fans now have to look at it in commercials and to watch its life in the social network. Fans were concerned about one of the recent reports Okhlobystin. He admitted that he feared for their health and even was on the verge of life and death. Ivan shared with subscribers that it is now in order. Ivan Okhlobystin tried to shoot in the center of Moscow

      “Well… I’m back. Very sick, thought would die, but no. Back. And…?!” – Okhlobystin wrote on the social network.

      For fans of this news about the health of their beloved actor caused quite a surprise, because the man didn’t say that hurts. Besides, his film the social network is constantly updated – ohlobystin regular contact with followers, shared photos and answered questions from subscribers. However, Ivan does not tell what kind of disease he suffered.

      The day before in the microblog actor appeared photos from an evening walk down the street. The man captured the beauty of nature in the light of the lanterns. Apparently, the party feels and is not afraid of frosty air.

      After starring in the TV series “Interns” Ivan planned to return to service. Now in his social networks appear pictures of Church and pictures of various temples. Okhlobystin spend time with his wife Oksana and tries as much as possible to communicate with six children. Despite the fact that the older daughter is already quite adult, he is always ready to help them with advice and support in difficult times.

      Ohlobystin does not exclude the fact that his successor is likely to meet young people, but he tries not to delve into all the details of their lives. Ivan realizes that he will have to accept the fact that girls will marry and begin to live your family. He is biased to all the elect beloved daughters, and even admitted that already hates future sons-in-law. Okhlobystin believes that at the moment, his heirs should be the priority study. Nevertheless, Ivan is sure that the children will choose a worthy suitors, so he’ll have to deal with their decision.