Айза Анохина будет рожать с супругом The star is preparing to go to the hospital. This week ISA Anokhina may again become a mother. The woman already chose perinatal center where they will be born her second baby. The designer focused on a natural childbirth.

      Soon the blogger and designer Svetlana Anokhina in the second time become a mother. Woman admits to having already tried to get pregnant. Feel ISA, this joyful event will take place this week. She carefully approached the choice of the place where the childbirth will take place. The first child star Sam was also born in the perinatal center. However, while English underwent a caesarean section, this time she wants it in a natural way.

      “Now another pregnancy, other indications and other genera. My dream to give birth naturally! Experience all the delights of childbirth and to charge the necessary hormones. But the probability to give birth naturally 50: 50. To risk the baby and yourself are not going, therefore, under the guidance of the best doctors will take place of my birth. I listen to them all,” said ISA, laying the picture on the background of the medical institution.

      Anokhin weekly visit the doctor to know that the child is developing normally and he was in no danger. The owner of the fashion brand is not afraid of childbirth, as her will support her husband Dmitry.

      “All the time there will be my husband and will experience all the feelings that I feel. And my entire charge of oxytocin when the baby will get it. We are waiting for the birth of our son, and I am very happy that I have no fear of all” – said Anokhin.

      ISA admitted that the second husband made her truly happy. According to the woman, Dima is very private and not everyone admits to himself. “He got me eight months were kept at a distance. I didn’t know how to approach him, thought he spit on me. And as it turned out, I liked him from the very first day we met, but he hid it because he was frightened of my popularity,” – said Anokhin in an interview.

      In addition, the second husband of designer was able to find a common language with his son ISA Sam. He manages to calm the boy when he starts too actively. His mother explained that the child was very creative, and every action he makes in the play. Son ISA Dolmatova growing copy Gufa