Игорь Крутой признался, почему развелся с беременной супругой
The composer revealed the secret of his personal life.

Igor Krutoy

Photo: still from the TV show “the Secret million dollar

Igor Krutoy became the first “victim” Lera Kudryavtseva in her new talk show “the Secret million dollar. In pursuit of the big money the composer had to reveal a few family secrets.

Igor doesn’t like to talk about my first marriage with Elena Cool. Perhaps primarily because of the reason that he was separated from his beloved in that moment, when she was still pregnant. According to Igor, their relationship ended at the initiative of Helena. “I think the fact that her was not love to me…” — he said. Cool also admitted that initially, the former lover tried to blackmail his young son, Nicholas. It got to the point that the nanny secretly took out Igor his child from the apartment of Elena so he walked with the baby in the Park. By the way, in the future the composer and his successor have developed a great relationship.

By the way, to keep Cool in the Studio came Alexander Serov, Igor Nikolayev, mother of the composer — Svetlana Semyonovna, his first school love and son, Nicholas. In addition to the history of unsuccessful first marriage, Igor and remembered about life in a communal apartment and about the first money earned in 12 years.

Recall that the launch of the new controversial curriculum with the participation Kudryavtseva became known in August. The essence of the show that stellar Studio guests get tricky questions from Lera, which will act more as an agent provocateur than a lead. If the celebrity is willing to completely disclose all the secrets stashed in the closet, you can be a winner and will take home 1.5 million rubles.