Мужа Булановой лишили прав за пьянство Wife Tatyana Bulanova detained drunk at the wheel “Mercedes” in mid-March. The court ruled to deprive the rights of Vladislav Radimov for a period of 18 months and ordered him to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

      Мужа Булановой лишили прав за пьянство

      In mid-March, the husband of singer Tatyana Bulanova got to an unpleasant situation on the road. He was stopped by the traffic police for exceeding the speed limit. During the inspection it was found that the ex-midfielder of “Zenit” controlled the car without a license. In addition, the offender refused to pass survey on alcohol.

      While police officers made the Protocol, the driver acted inappropriately. Radimov was taken to the police Department, where he was awarded an order for disorderly conduct. At the time, actress Tatyana Bulanova helped wife and made for him a fine. The singer had to pay about two and a half thousand roubles.

      The other day in the Northern capital held a court session on the case of Vladislav Radimov violation of traffic rules. As a result the spouse of Tatyana Bulanova was fined 30 thousand rubles, and disqualied from driving for 18 months.This penalty is the coach of “Zenit-2” was issued for the abandonment of the medical examination.

      Vladislav Radimov did not attend the court session. He explained his absence a valid reason. But his guilt and acknowledges the coach’s repenting. Earlier he told reporters that the day he drank some wine in the restaurant, and the documents from the car accident took with him Tatyana. Vladislav caught employees of sentry duty, when he drove from restaurant to home.

      Tatyana Bulanova called the incident with her husband on the road a small misunderstanding which will be resolved soon.

      The relationship of the singer with her husband not so long ago was going through hard times. Vladislav in something was guilty before Tatiana and begged her forgiveness through “Instagram”. At that time he promised to sing the famous song “don’t cry” in a duet if the conflict with his wife will be resolved. Tatiana gradually forgive her husband, but subscribers are still waiting for the joint execution of a song. I wonder how this time will have to apologize Ragimovu in front of his wife for such behavior.

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