Херд считает, что Депп ее наказывает

“The best defense is a good offense,” thought amber heard and made a statement against johnny Depp for a couple of days ago accused of a desire to “extend his 15 minutes of fame” in their divorce.

Lawyers for the actress admitted to journalists that their client already feels moral exhaustion and wants as soon as possible to say goodbye to Depp, to leave and to never return to this subject ever.

According to heard, Depp, who a couple of weeks ago sued her in court to get 100 thousand dollars on legal fees, just mocks her, specifically delays the process, thus seeking to punish her.

“I want to regain my life, says amber. – I want to be never connected with this person”.

Recall, first to the court in the early autumn of 2016 it turned heard. In her statement stated that johnny Depp has not paid her even a cent of compensation, which they agreed in the summer. We are talking about the amount of almost $ 7 million.

Why johnny was late with a payment the money, yet not clear. But recently, he found a reason not to do it again. To blame herself heard, which published essays on domestic violence. And the main point of agreement between amber and johnny was not to talk about domestic violence.

In General, it is now one of the party must take a new step in the development of this situation. We somehow think that prenup, amber will never see. And you?