Хью Джекман снова борется с раком кожи

For many years, Australian actor Hugh Jackman struggling with a serious illness. Once the star of “Wolverine” put a disappointing diagnosis – skin cancer and now he controls all the tumors in his body, periodically removing them surgically.

Jackman has already had four operations to remove a malignant tumor. Recently the actor said that he underwent another surgery.

On his page on Instagram Hugh published a photograph with a plaster on his nose. Note that this part of the face of the actor the disease attacks more often.

Under the Jackman left a comment which reminded fans about the importance of using sunscreen: “Another carcinoma. Thanks for the prompt examination and stunning doctors. All is well, although the photo did not say. Use protection from the sun!”.

By the way, Jackman not so much afraid of the diagnosis, which he delivered. “The word “cancer” is shocking. In Australia it is quite common diagnosis. When I was little, I never used protection from the sun, so I was constantly at risk,” — said Hugh in 2015.

Background: Basal cell carcinoma (a malignant tumor that develops from the bottom layer of the epidermis) appears on those areas of the skin that are larger and longer in just under a scorching sun.