Генри Кавилл расстался с молоденькой возлюбленной

The star of “Superman” actor Henry Cavill broke up with his lover Tara king after nearly a year of a romantic relationship. And after all he said about it just a month ago. That’s really true: happiness love peace.

33-year-old actor said in an interview that the 19-year-old Tara – “the love of his life”, hinting that with it he wished to start a family. He said that a student of Bristol University always supports him when he needs it..
For the premiere of the film “Batman vs. Superman” (Batman v Superman”), the actor came with his lover and his mother. Women obviously have a good relationship, and it is unlikely that the cause of the breakup is hiding in them.
That the couple are no longer together, told each Henry.
“I declare officially: Henry and Tara broke up. The initiator of this was Henry, he asked her to be friends and even invited to a party on the occasion of his birthday. But their romance is over. Tara suffered a difficult breakup, he called her “his only”..” — said the insider.
Recall that he met Henry and Tara in London nightclub Mahiki last fall. First saw them together in October – the couple visited a Rugby match, and after them several times seen travelling across China and New Zealand.

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