Харрисон Форд назвал причину опасного сближения своего самолета с пассажирским авиалайнером

Two weeks ago, actor Harrison Ford almost became the cause of the crash: private jet Hollywood stars, which he prowling the sky for several years, came in to land, but did so not on the strip, which he indicated Manager.

“I am a nerd who landed on the taxiway (part of the flying field not suitable for takeoff or landing — approx. Ed.)”, — admitted Ford and later added that takes the incident very seriously and hopes to continue similar situation it touches.

As mentioned earlier in the press, 74-year-old Ford disobeyed the instructions of air traffic controllers and instead to land on runway 20-L, he went to a taxiway, where just at that time was the airliner with 110 passengers and 6 crew members. It is scary to imagine what could happen, come on Ford a dozen yards below.