You can't recognize the handsome Petr Krasilov The artist has not been seen on the screens for several years.

You can't recognize handsome Peter Krasilov In the early 2000s, when a handsome man with a radiant smile played noble Prince Repnin in the historical series “Poor Nastya”, and then Malinovsky's joker in “Don't Be Born Beautiful”, the artist was at the top of his popularity and had many fans.

Handsome Pyotr Krasilov is impossible to recognize

But in recent years, former sex symbol Pyotr Krasilov has almost stopped acting in films. The reason for this was the change in its appearance. The rather young 45-year-old actor has changed beyond recognition: he has grown old, flabby and gained more than 30 kilograms. ” alt=” Handsome Pyotr Krasilov is impossible to recognize” />

And the directors, and the audience, too, want to see him slender and attractive, as in the old days.

Peter, of course, tries to bring himself in the form in which he was a few years ago, but this is given to him with great difficulty. The actor periodically goes on a diet, tries to do physical exercises, but he still fails to live according to the schedule. Whether work in the theater interferes, or laziness.
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