Host of the show “let’s get married!” said recently about the difficulties encountered in the relationship with her husband Igor…
Larisa Guzeeva
Photo: Philip Goncharov
Host of the show “let’s get married!” said recently about the difficulties encountered in the relationship with her husband Igor Buharov, and now again fueled a wave of rumors about domestic issues. Larissa flew away on a long journey without her husband, in the beautiful maiden of the company: on holiday in Europe with Guzeeva flew daughter Olga and the bride of her son George Anna. The company has already visited Berlin and Paris. The three ladies visited a lot of parks, walked dozens of museums, boating (paddle in hand, as a rule, took 17-year-old daughter Larissa), and most of them impressed Versailles. “It’s a real joy to travel in such company, — says TV presenter. — Men don’t belong here, the fathers of my children communicate well with each other”. Despite the fact that Larissa’s daughter is now a difficult age, my mom finally became real friends. But a few years ago between them stood the wall of misunderstanding. When it seemed that relations Larissa and Olga can no longer be restored, the presenter took the daughter in the same region in France. “Then I told the daughter: “I’ll Show you Paris, will do everything to make you love it so much. After all, it is a special city, or fall in love forever or forever remain indifferent”.
Larissa with the bride of the son of Anna
And so it happened: now Lola asks all the time to Paris. And I always keep my promises”. Anne and I Guzeeva relationships are not less warm than with his daughter. “Anya is an amazing little girl, wise, loving and understanding, — says the star. — We have adopted her into their family. George she’s very lucky. And me especially!”
The daughter of TV presenter Olga