Гоша Куценко рассказал о творчестве дочери The little heiress of the actor received his first prize in the nomination “the Most young actress”. The statuette is not very interested in the girl, she twirled it slightly in his hands and left. However, the star dad is proud of the success nemalenkoy Genis.

      Гоша Куценко рассказал о творчестве дочери

      “Zhenechka’s prize “The young actress” I carefully placed on a shelf next to her cot, – has shared with “StarHit” the 49-year-old Gosha Kutsenko. – Told me how she done that everyone liked her first role in the music video “Love like this”. She carefully examined the statue, twirled it in his hands, but quickly lost interest – after all, not a toy. So to please my daughter, bought her, in addition to the award, Teddy bear and new picture books.

      The idea to shoot the daughter in the clip I came up with shortly after her birth. Thought about the kind of love I want to write a song. Mature paternal feeling I experienced the first time was when she was born the eldest daughter Polina, it was different. Therefore, I have dedicated my Wife a text, and the video itself, of course, could not do without it.

      Mother Irina was at first opposed to show the whole country an eight month old girl, but I persuaded her. Baby on the court was just good, almost did not make a fuss.

      When Zhenya saw myself on the screen, not immediately recognized, especially after the installation was put on her spaceman’s helmet. But my mom explained it to her, so that she even reviewed the clip several times. I have a daughter creative – loves to draw, to create something, to dance, to sing. Listens to my songs, watched a few films with dad. I do not understand, probably, but no father identified. Most of all, of course, loves the cartoons “Nu pogodi!”, “Masha and the Bear”. She has such a funny facial expression – very moving.

      If the daughter would become an actress, I’m just glad. In General, all girls should be Actresses. And then the dynasty will continue. But from an early age to carry it on the set not going to let him grow up and she will say, you have it or not. Already at such a young age she realized that half a day is not easy to smile at the camera”.

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