Галина Юдашкина переезжает в новый дом The daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin is planning to celebrate the housewarming. Galina and her family in the face of the wife of Peter Maksakova and young son Anatoly begin an independent life in luxury apartments.

      Recently Galina Yudashkin has engaged not only the education of the young heir to Anatolia. The girl was actively preparing for the move, which it carries out now. A young family moves into a renovated apartment, the design of which is amazing.

      Galina shared with fans in the microblog picture behind her is empty furniture. “Moving is difficult”, – has signed a snapshot Yudashkin. Fans wished the star a good luck and said that after the baby was born, she became even more charming and cute.

      “How the birth of a child transforms a girl”, “Such good eyes, “Prettier after giving birth”, “Moving to a new house – it’s great”, “Congratulations with the imminent happy event,” wrote Galina followers.

      Apparently, Peter Maksakov and his family will live in the family nest Udashkin. The wife of the couturier owns a large apartment in the center of Moscow. Previously, Marina had passed this house, but after daughter’s wedding she did there repair, according to entourage star family, to your taste. Now spacious apartment with an area of over 150 square meters will be a new hostess. Galina already prepared for the role, and she can’t wait to celebrate the housewarming.

      We will remind, the daughter of the famous fashion designer is now experiencing probably the best period of his life. In early April, Galina first became a mother, giving her husband a nice son. The happy parents named their firstborn after his great-grandfather on the paternal side Anatoly.

      The smiling boy is growing and active. “Our Anatoliki life became a hundred times more fun and interesting, no time at all! He even cannot lie still, waiting for run!” – said Galina Yudashkin about hyperactive son.

      By the way, being a caring mom and an active spouse who is preparing to move, the star manages to find time to exercise. So, on vacation in the hot Miami this summer purposeful Galina regularly carried out Jogging.

      Galina Yudashkin has shown a figure in bikini after giving birth

      “At first it was very difficult because of the humidity and heat, even at 8:30 a.m. the temperature is 29 degrees, but every day the body adapts, and here we are looping through 8-9 kilometers,” – said Yudashkin.