Друзья смело обращаются за помощью к Кате Лель
Yesterday, 20 September, congratulations in honor of the birthday took the famous singer Katya LEL, she was 44 years old.

Друзья смело обращаются за помощью к Кате Лель

The singer is happily married to her husband, and they bring a charming 8-year-old daughter Emilia. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva, examining the life code Kati, predicted its future.

“She’s lucky – she has such energy that it will be a long time to look young and fresh. She is very sensitive and emotional nature: always give to a beggar, feed a stray dog. Friends love to turn to Kate for help, because I know that she will never refuse, that is, for the beloved person off his shirt. The singer is very smart and has analytical skills – she is interested not with every man, the circle of her communication consists of high-IQ and artists,” says numerologist.

According to Kuzenbaeva, LEL does not like large amounts of people, so every appearance on stage is difficult.

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