Четырехмесячный сын Анастасии Винокур заметно подрос Fans were surprised that the baby is growing so rapidly. Anastasia Vinokur trying not to be separated with his son, and therefore took the boy along on the trip. Now the whole family is vacationing in Israel.

      Четырехмесячный сын Анастасии Винокур заметно подрос

      On 10 December last year, the daughter of the famous humorist Vladimir Vinokur Anastasia first became a mother. Ballerina of the Bolshoi theatre gave her husband Gregory Matveevici son. The boy’s parents decided to call Fedor.

      Now the young mother, generously shares the details of a baby’s life in his microblog, but fans with pleasure watching how is growing and developing son of a ballerina. Now the whole family Anastasia Vinokur went to rest in Israel, and there to walk on the wedding of their friends. Young parents decided not to leave his son in Moscow even under the care of grandparents, and therefore took it with me on a journey. Now Anastasia shows your subscribers how they spend their time on vacation. The dancer posted a photo of his four-month-old son.

      “Baby Fedor gets the sun through the shadow,” said Vinokur in his microblog.

      Fans are very surprised that the son of Anastasia had so much growing up to do. It’s possible that winokur just chose this angle and so the boy looks pretty great. “My, what great big”, “Wow! Soon the stroller will be small!”, “Nastya, and baby Theodore in the stroller barely fit already,” said the followers.

      Четырехмесячный сын Анастасии Винокур заметно подрос

      As mentioned previously, Anastasia, now she is on maternity leave and therefore in no hurry to hire a nanny for his son. Many fans have noted that Vinokur is a very responsible mother and tries as much time with the baby. Moreover, her parents live very close, and therefore try to help in the education of her grandson. But the soloist of the Bolshoi theatre has also announced that it would not remain long in the decree. In September, she plans to re-enter the scene, and soon will start training and rehearsals.

      Interestingly, in the first three months of pregnancy Anastasia continued to speak. She did not stop the touring, and only after the season ended, went on maternity leave. Winokur explained that for a long time she and her husband did not dare to have a baby, giving all power to the career because of the fear to leave the scene. Only 32, she realized that ready to be a mother.

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