Фанаты Ирины Безруковой встали на ее защиту Fans believe that the actress should continue to dance. Irina Bezrukova has left the project “dancing with the stars”. The actress thanked all the fans for the support.

      Фанаты Ирины Безруковой встали на ее защиту

      Famous actress Irina Bezrukov was invited to take part in the new season of the popular television project “dancing with the stars”. From the beginning of the show the actress and her partner, dancer Maksim Petrov, established themselves as one of the strongest couples on the program. To achieve high results Irina spared no effort and time in the rehearsal room to hone each room. Many viewers immediately took a liking to Bezrukova and Petrov. However, before Irina said that they had to leave the show.

      “A huge thank you from us with Maxim to all our friends on the project! We’ll miss you and support you guys! Was happy to meet you! The project “dancing with the stars” has brought more joy into my life! And I now know that we should be bold enough to try to do something that is the soul! I’m glad I dared to do it with the whole country! Maxim Petrov grateful to all of our fans for the support!” – Bezrukov has informed in the microblog.

      Care artist of the project has caused disappointment among the fans. They tried to support the actress and her partner on the project. Some said that dance is Irina looks very organic, so she in no case do not need to give up playing. “You have an innate grace and plasticity. The rest is technique and experience shared Maxim skillfully and with dignity,” “somehow it seems to me that You will continue to dance”, “Very sorry! You is needed. Thank you for what You revealed another unknown side. I’m sure You will continue”, – Bezrukov cheered subscribers.

      Words of admiration to their partner and expressed Maxim Petrov. He was very pleased that the project had the opportunity to teach dance Bezrukov. “You’re a great partner and most importantly a real person! Dance, it makes you happy. Thank you all for your help and support during the project”, – wrote in the microblog Maxim.

      I must say that for Bezrukova part in such a show became the first in her life. However, the actress is not afraid to take the various proposals of interesting projects and experiments in different roles. So, in September of last year she began to transfer to one of the channels. “I’m always open for creative experiments, because the opportunity to try himself in another capacity – it’s kind of an exciting adventure when you open up new horizons”, said “StarHit” Irina.

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