Фадеев публично потребовал наказать виновницу ДТП с «пьяным» мальчиком At the end of last week it became known that Olga alisova, shot down in April of this year Alex Shimko, was arrested. Russian producer previously drew attention to this resonant story, created the petition, which calls on the authorities to control the situation.
Фадеев публично потребовал наказать виновницу ДТП с «пьяным» мальчиком

Producer Maxim Fadeev closely monitor the investigation into the accident that occurred in April of this year in Balashikha. 31-year-old Olga beneficial brought down the little boy, Alyosha Shimko. After a forensic medical examination in the baby’s blood was found alcohol. People, who learned about this case, could not believe that the kid was drunk. After public outcry, the investigating authorities began to investigate the situation. At the moment, the culprit of the accident is under arrest till September 15. Fadeev calls on the authorities to bring to an end this case and punish the driver.

The producer created a petition on one of the online resources in which he stressed that he is shocked by this story and wants the woman answered for their actions.

Maxim Fadeev spoke harshly about the “drunk” kid

“It is crucial now to before the sentence about this story is not forgotten. Our task is not to let go of this story and to see that the court was impartial, and the sentence is fair,” – said in the text of the document.

In Instagram Fadeev has urged followers to actively sign the petition. According to him, the story of the boy Alyosha Shimko covered with inexplicable mysteries. Internet users supported the position of the celebrity.

“The culprit must be punished”, “I Want this unscrupulous person was punished for that poor boy’s death”, “This tragedy is beyond all reasonable facets. It is unbearably painful to read, to see all the information that comes from this situation”, – wrote the people review of the petition.

“The more we, the people, are not willing to just forget this story, the higher the chances that justice will prevail” – these words ends with the text of the petition, which was signed by more than 257 thousand people.

Former children’s Ombudsman Sergey Astakhov, a member of the Council of Federation Elena Mizulina and the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin control the investigation into an accident in Balashikha. Recall that the parents of the deceased child trying to prove that alcohol could be injected into the body of Alyosha after his death. The boy’s father, Roman Shimko, managed to make it so that the court has instituted a case of negligence carried out it is judicial-medical examination. Since the esophagus of the child was not annealed, the fact of intoxication is not proven.