Эксклюзив: Диана Арбенина рассказала о том, как воспитывает двойняшек
7days.EN spent the weekend with the singer and her children-first-graders.

Эксклюзив: Диана Арбенина рассказала о том, как воспитывает двойняшек

Diana with children Artem and Martha

Photo: Ian Gregory

Diana, who six years ago became a mother of adorable twins — Artem
and Martha — for the first time openly spoke about how she is raising kids.
Together with the singer and her children, who this year became the first-graders, 7days.ru went to multimedia Park “Russia — My story” on VDNH.

— Of course, this level is not -, —
Diane said after an hour multimedia tour of the historic
the exhibition. — The boys first become acquainted with
the history of our state so specific and detailed, and this is an important first step in
education. I didn’t expect it to be so
interestingly, we had a terrific tour guide Olga. A time span of 700 years
she spoke very quickly, very succinctly, very interesting: can you imagine that
this two kids to put it all in the head?

Эксклюзив: Диана Арбенина рассказала о том, как воспитывает двойняшек

Diana with daughter Martha and son Artem

Photo: Ian Gregory

— It is clear that Artem and Martha in the future really may be seriously interested in history. But what is the tendency now?

— Theme — it is more musical, and he’s better with numbers. He will surely make progress in the exact Sciences. Everything to do with history, with the cosmos — it is interesting. But he doesn’t like to read, this is not it. March is reading from morning till night. She read all summer: “Nils and the Geese”, “Carlson” and “Peppi the Long stocking”. Of course, I reread the “dunno”. And I once bought at a Buddhist monastery a book about an elephant Linencare, and even the book she read: finishes and takes a new! Now we have started to read “Tom Sawyer”. Artem completely different. He approaches her and says, “Martha, reading books is not the most important thing!” And if he notices that she makes a wrong accent, with skill and fit again: “Well, I told you, books — not the most important thing in life” (laughs).

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  • Эксклюзив: Диана Арбенина рассказала о том, как воспитывает двойняшек

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