Евгений Папунаишвили поссорился с мамой на почве новостей о его ориентации

Talented and passionate dancer Eugene papunaishvili long ago secured the title of bachelor. What star flooring does not dare to go to the registry office suggests some people the wrong idea. in particular, some journalists think that papunaishvili pulls in marriage for the banal reason – he’s gay and doesn’t want to tell about my status to others.

Евгений Папунаишвили поссорился с мамой на почве новостей о его ориентации

Such rumors through the press and came to the mom of a dancer. It is on this basis Evgeny quarreling with the closest person, or even talked to her in a few days: “we had a very serious conversation and we had a fight”.

At the moment, all the questions clarified. Mom explained, and Eugene demanded that all the rumors and gossip she checked him.

By the way, now doubt about the orientation of the choreographer may not be out of the question, because recently, in his life, a beloved Italian Salim.