Ernst allegedly approved Ivan Urgant's return to Channel One Rumors that Ivan Urgant was returning to Channel One had been circulating for a long time, but they seemed to be just fiction, since the host was too radical in many of his statements. There were also those who insisted on recognizing the actor as a foreign agent.

Ernst allegedly approved the return of Ivan Urgant to the air of Channel One Now it is reported that Urgant not only did not leave Russia forever, which was also hotly and much gossiped about, but may also appear on Channel One again. This is reported by the media, commenting, allegedly, on the words of Konstantin Ernst.

“The channel's general director Konstantin Ernst decided to invite the presenter back after his long absence. This decision was made following the advice of colleagues who believe that his presence on screens is important for ratings,”

– the message says. Let us recall that the “Evening Urgant” program stopped airing in February 2022, simultaneously with the start of the SVO.

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