Елизавета Боярская впервые рассказала, как влюбилась в Максима Матвеева
Actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya told about the beginning of the relationship with her husband Maxim matveevym.

Елизавета Боярская впервые рассказала, как влюбилась в Максима Матвеева

Wedding star acting couple was held eight years ago, Elizabeth and max have a son Andrew. About the origin of his love of the boyar told in the program of Kira proshutinskaya the “Wife. A love story”.

Елизавета Боярская впервые рассказала, как влюбилась в Максима Матвеева

“When I first saw Maxim, I was so confused that his name did not say. Fell in love, like in the abyss, some fell. But we went more than three or four years have not seen, although made each other experience… I internally chose it, but didn’t want to do anything” – confessed the actress.

Елизавета Боярская впервые рассказала, как влюбилась в Максима Матвеева

“If Maxim didn’t take the initiative in further relationship, I would never have begun to make, ever. I will never fight. For the child – Yes, in all circumstances. And for the man – no. We love each other, we are prone to introspection. If we have a stumbling block, we always discuss. And I always take the point of view of Maxim. We never raise a voice… And I don’t know a second father – he’s a terrific dad. It is the land ready to turn over for Andrew,” added Boyarsky.