Элина Камирен шокировала поклонников излишней худобой The star of “House-2” is fading away. Elina, Kamiren lost a few pounds, she is not wanting. Fans worried about the health of your cat.

      Элина Камирен шокировала поклонников излишней худобой

      Despite its withdrawal from the project “Dom-2” Elina, Kamiren recently back in the spotlight. Earlier this month, star of the reality show told the fans that she’s losing weight. The fact that Elina began to have problems with health. As a result of Kamiren lost weight in a few days to a few pounds. With the high growth of the girls this loss was very significant.

      Elina, Kamiren is rapidly losing weight

      Now former member of telestroyki has posted a selfie, which is clearly visible change in her appearance. “Ndaaaa… Shunula I, of course, powerful! At my growth 179” – she wrote. Excessive thinness struck fans of the stars. Many of them genuinely excited for their favorite.

      “Too thin! Not, some shoulders are visible, I want to fatten up”, “don’t take care of yourself, rest more! Beauty,” “Wow, Elin! This is after the poisoning?” – subscribers have left comments. “Yes! Well, I am now recovering and a bit of gain, of course, exactly what genes inherent”, was the answer of Kamiren.

      We will remind, several days ago, she suddenly felt a serious indisposition. “It’s hard to tell what’s going on with my body. Severe poisoning, the temperature and it looks like something with the kidneys… so Bad that I didn’t sleep, hurt all… not to call an Ambulance, I’m the baby. Nothing helps, neither coal, nor water, nor other medicines that take in case of poisoning. Ten hours thin and can’t get up,” complained the star of “House-2” in his microblog.

      According to one version rapid weight loss Elina is not only connected with its poisoning. Some of the fans of the girls think that this can happen because of problems in relations between Camerin and her fiancé Alexander Zadoinov.

      “All is not, as many think, says Elina “StarHit”. – No one except me and Sasha, don’t know what actually is happening. The mother did not even aware of all the details. The whole day ends the phone – call started out with six in the morning, they say, tell them you broke up or not, with whom my daughter lives, and why few joint photos? I have nothing to comment on now is not ready. I think very soon all will understand and speak myself on this subject, will tell you that we have now and why. Really want to all once knew: the only one I’ll comment on this topic, would be “StarHit”.

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